Unit 4, 212-220 Gertrude Street, North Gosford, NSW
10 Photos

10 Photos

For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
Upcoming inspection
30 March at 10:30 am – 11:30 am
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For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
Upcoming inspection
30 March at 10:30 am – 11:30 am
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* Make an offer only available on sales listings
Quiet and spacious 3 bedroom unit with a patio
Property ID: 231087
Inspection is available on indicated open days as well as by request on any day. Please contact us via BuyMyPlace.
3 bedroom unit, on ground level, with leafy patio. The building is a small block of flats, with green inner courtyard.
Situated within walking distance from Gosford Station, Gosford public and private hospitals, Gosford schools.
The premises are secure - all windows and patio door are equipped with strong security screens.
The unit has new certified low VOC laminate floors.
Bus stops for school buses for Gosford schools (Gosford Public, Henry Kendall High, Gosford High) in close proximity. The building is within enrolment zone for Gosford schools.
Three spacious bedrooms, all with built-in wardrobes. Master bedroom has an ensuite.
- Luxury stone kitchen table with breakfast bar and gas cooking.
- High speed NBN connection.
- Split system air conditioner.
- Gas hot water system.
- Secure underground garage with 2 parking lots.
- Total area size 189m2 (including internal size 116m2, patio 45m2, parking lots 28m2)
- Rental appraisal in the $700 to $730 range.
3 bedroom unit, on ground level, with leafy patio. The building is a small block of flats, with green inner courtyard.
Situated within walking distance from Gosford Station, Gosford public and private hospitals, Gosford schools.
The premises are secure - all windows and patio door are equipped with strong security screens.
The unit has new certified low VOC laminate floors.
Bus stops for school buses for Gosford schools (Gosford Public, Henry Kendall High, Gosford High) in close proximity. The building is within enrolment zone for Gosford schools.
Three spacious bedrooms, all with built-in wardrobes. Master bedroom has an ensuite.
- Luxury stone kitchen table with breakfast bar and gas cooking.
- High speed NBN connection.
- Split system air conditioner.
- Gas hot water system.
- Secure underground garage with 2 parking lots.
- Total area size 189m2 (including internal size 116m2, patio 45m2, parking lots 28m2)
- Rental appraisal in the $700 to $730 range.
Outdoor features
Outdoor area
Indoor features
Built-in robes
Air conditioning
Open for inspection
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